Most Common Interview Questions asked in India for Fresher
After struggling with how to write resume, how to apply for jobs, how to land on the perfect job, how to write the proper email to catch the eye of the recruiter and so on. You have finally reached the point where you are getting ready for a job interview. Here is a list of Most Common Fresher Interview Questions asked in India.

After struggling with how to write resume, how to apply for jobs, how to land on the perfect job, how to write the proper email to catch the eye of the recruiter and so on. You have finally reached the point where you are getting ready for a job interview. Here is a list of fresher interview questions that are commonly asked by the recruiter.
However, don’t get excited too much because the most difficult part of the hiring process is yet to come. Being selected for an interview only assures that the company has liked your resume. Now they are going to ask questions and based on your reply, they will judge whether you are up to the mark in real life as framed on the paper.
Regardless of your educational background, the manner in which you answer and the confidence you carry plays a significant role in getting hired. In fact, knowing the most common interview questions for freshers is not enough. You should have a perfect answer for the same. For this reason, we have mentioned the most commonly asked fresher interview questions along with an answer. So let’s begin.
Most commonly asked fresher interview questions by the HR
Tell us about yourself
This is the mandatory question and probably the first question a recruiter may ask you. The purpose of asking this question is to observe the confidence of the candidate in describing themselves. You should keep it short and brief. There is no point telling stories about yourself rather mentioning your name, highest qualifications and your primary goal.
Example: Good morning/afternoon/evening sir/mam. My name is Ankita Das. As far as my education is concerned, I have completed B.Tech in Computer Sciences from XYZ University, this year i.e., 2021.
Good morning/afternoon/evening sir/mam. My name is Ankita Das. As far as my education is concerned, I have done MBA in Marketing in the year 2019 from XYZ University.
What are your strengths?
This is a typical fresher interview question that a recruiter tends to ask to see the area where you are most confident in.
Example: I am adaptable in nature so I can easily communicate with a groups of people.
I consider that my greatest strengths is a competitive mind-set. Due to this, I am able to accept challenges. I remain focused and optimistic even in a pressurized environment.
My time management skills are excellent. I believe time is the most valuable gift to mankind so one must utilize it effectively.
Fresher interview question: What are your weaknesses?
Usually after asking about your strengths, the recruiter asks you about your weaknesses. Everyone has weaknesses and this question is mainly asked to see your honesty. However, don’t go with the flow and end up exposing all your weaknesses. Just keep it straight and your reply should not make them think that you are not fit for the job.
Example: In order to be efficient, I end up taking more responsibilities than I can handle.
I am a simple person and for some reasons I am unable to decline if someone asks me out for help.
What are your hobbies?
By asking this question, the recruiter basically wants to unveil your identity as an individual. So you should show enthusiasm that you enjoy life but also reassure the interviewer that your hobbies are not going to interfere with work.
Example: I love to travel and explore new places. I save a portion of my salary so that I can go on a vacation at least once a year.
I love singing and I am a member of many clubs. In addition, I love to take part in concerts and display my talent.
Why do you want to work in our company?
This is a way for the recruiter to see how much you know about the company.
Example: I have been keeping a tract of your company for a long time and the reviews are quite impressive. I think that XYZ Company’s high standard can bring the best out of me.
XYZ Company is one of the fastest growing companies in India. I think this would be a great work place for me.
Most common fresher interview question: Why should we hire you?
This one is the favorite fresher interview question asked by recruiters. Also, this is the question where most candidates panic and fail to give an appropriate answer. Ironically, this is the easiest one to answer. You need to analyze the company’s goals and the role you have applied for. Also remember that you are not a single person who has been shortlisted and been called for an interview. So, your answer should be such that it differentiates you from the rest and slightly elevates you from the rest. In addition, you can also mention your academic achievements that may be relevant for the role.
Apart from this, majority of freshers think that they do not have any work experience so no company will be willing to hire them. Well they want to hire you hence they have called you for the interview. Just be confident.
Example: Sir/Mam, I believe that everyone starts with a beginning. I need a platform to prove my skills and expertise.
Sir/Mam, I am a fresher and I have a good theoretical knowledge, but I need a platform to put my knowledge into use. I am filled with enthusiasm and willing to do my best to fulfil all the needs of the company.
Sir/Mam, as you can make out from my resume that I am a fresher. However, I have been a part of many internship programs that have made me familiar with the role and hopefully I will be able to learn the work in less time. For this reason, hiring me will be a good value-add to your workforce.
What is your expected CTC?
Usually this question is asked when the recruiter is sure that you will be fit for the role. Don’t abruptly say any number instead try to show commitment towards work.
Example: I am more interested in the role than the pay. I expect to be paid according to my ability and role in the company.
Sir/Mam, as I am a fresher, salary is not my main purpose. I want to learn and gain experience. As XYZ Company is one the most reputed companies in the city, I expect a fair pay.
As you may know Sir/Mam, I am a fresher in this field. So all I expect is a fair pay according to my job role and XYZ Company’s norm.
When can you start?
Although this fresher interview question seems like an invitation to join the company. However, this is a way in which the recruiter sees whether you have any other commitments. You should express your willingness to start at the earliest if you don’t have any other activities preventing you.
Example: I have no issues in starting immediately. I have organized my activities so that I don’t face any hindrance to work in this position.
After learning about the job role, I am eager to start at the earliest.
How flexible are you regarding overtime?
Some companies ask this fresher interview question before hiring. You need to answer this one honestly. If you are willing to work overtime. Then you can frame your answer as given below.
Examples: I understand that it will occasionally be necessary in this department to work overtime. In that case, I am willing to work overtime.
I believe that when work is done sincerely, then it can be completed within the time period. However, there may be times when I need to put in some extra effort and work overtime. I assure you that I will do my best.
Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
Recruiters generally ask these types of questions to get a better idea of your short-term and long-term goals.
Examples: I have faith in myself and I believe that I should be in a position that the company wouldn’t be willing to lose me.
After 3 years, I expect myself to be an expert in this role.
I think analyzing where I stand 3 years from now is too early to conclude. However, I expect the best for me and with respect to this job role, I assume I would be responsible enough to take up any managerial responsibilities.
Fresher interview question: What motivates you?
This is amongst the most misinterpreted fresher interview question. You must answer this question based on your life experiences but it should also link to the job you are getting hired for. For instance, if you are applying for a role as a teacher, then you can answer as follows.
Example: Well, this question took me back to my school days. I was under the guidance of my favorite teacher. She used to teach everything in a very easy and simplified way. I admired her a lot and I think she is the main motivation behind this.
What are your biggest achievements till date?
When a recruiter asks this interview question from you, consider yourself lucky. It is the perfect opportunity to talk about your accomplishments. So be clever enough to mention the ones that are recent and relevant for the position. Think about achievements that you genuinely want to talk about.
Examples: My greatest achievement is to complete my Master’s with 95% and I was amongst the top 10 students from our university.
I have qualified UGC NET in the year 2020 and secured AIR 77.
Do you have any questions with us?
You have almost been selected for the role. Usually this interview question for freshers is asked at the end. Never say that you don’t have any questions even if you are confident about everything. So do a little research about the company beforehand and ask questions related to that. You can also ask about the job responsibilities and the next steps or any other query you might think you need to know.
Examples: What does a typical day look like for a person in this position?
Thank you for explaining the job role to me in great detail. What are the next steps in the hiring process?
About us: Fresher interview questions
Chegg India is an online e-learning platform. The company is hiring tutors to work as a Subject Matter Expert. They are individuals who work from India and solve doubts of students outside India. There are thousands of Subject Matter Experts working at Chegg India and earning a handsome income of INR 30,000 to INR 80,000 per month. The doubts of the students are posted on the online portal and the experts solve these questions and earn on the basis of each correct answer.
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- That’s it! Now you can solve questions and start earning.
In short, fresher interview questions are all about letting them know your in depth personality. It makes sense because they will hire you for a special role that will ultimately affect the growth of the company.
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