How to give the Reason for Leaving a Job ?

A reason for leaving a job may be different for many. However, one thing in common. The concerns on how to present it in front of the new employer and the previous one may bemuse many aspirants. After all, sounding blunt or too diplomatic may not come well in the job scenario. One has toThe post How to Present the Reason for Leaving a Job ?

How to give the Reason for Leaving a Job ?

A reason for leaving a job may be different for many. However, one thing in common. The concerns on how to present it in front of the new employer and the previous one may bemuse many aspirants.

How to Present the Reason for Leaving a Job?- A Comprehensive Guide
How to Present the Reason for Leaving a Job?- A Comprehensive Guide

After all, sounding blunt or too diplomatic may not come well in the job scenario. One has to gauge the situation with the utmost professionalism and poise.

Here is a comprehensive insight into the same.

Why do recruiters ask this question?

By knowing the reason for leaving a job, the recruiters get to know about your background. They try to understand various situations which ultimately made you decide to leave that work.

Apart from that, your reason tells a lot about your situation in terms of health, relations and more. In this way, the employer gets an idea if the job will suit you.

Besides, if you give a casual answer, then they become clearer whom to reject next. At the same time by seeing a responsible answer, they know whom to take on board.

After all, a job is not just about work, its environment, commute, work culture, work type, decide how well a candidate may sustain it.

Therefore, recruiters make it a point to ask this question.

Why do you need to present it to your current employer?

The resignation will be incomplete if it is not backed with proper reasoning. Besides, there is always room for you to join back if your objective is potent enough.

Also, irrespective of that, it is always critical to building good relations in professional spaces.

You may have served for half a year, a year or maybe more. In this process, you become a part of that workspace. Therefore, leaving it with no accountability is somewhat unethical. You must understand that there are numerous reasons why people leave a job. Employers understand that. Therefore, instead of shying away, you must do so with paramount responsibility.

10 Possible reason for leaving a job and pro tips

Here is a list of the best reasons for leaving a job:-

1. Personal reasons for leaving a job

This reason includes family circumstance, relationships and more. Filial grounds are serious issues that hamper the employees’ efficacy. Therefore, many resign due to such a situation as their work is severely affected. Besides, they are not able to give their 100% in the job and at home.

As the result, this is a common reason for leaving the job.

Pro Tip: While writing your email, always ensure that it is brief and substantial at the same time. Do not miss any relevant point to appear succinct. Apart from that, have a detailed conversation with your reporting manager. In this way, you maintain transparency and understandability.” 

2. Career Switch 

The professional path is not a linear graph. It is full of troughs, crests and even redirections. Only after jumping into a certain occupation does one understands if it matches his/he competence or not. While it works sometimes. However, it doesn’t either time. Therefore many people start their career afresh altogether and choose to switch.

Therefore, this is a yet again prominent reason for leaving a job.

Pro Tip: i. Always express your gratitude for how your present company catalysed your growth and enabled you to take the next step in the professional journey.

ii. If you are telling your new employer about the same. Then tell them about your exploration for growth. At the same time express how your previous company helped you upgrade for the next stage. Avoid any negative talk about the same. Rather keep it authentic and professional.  

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3. Health issues Reasons

Due to unbearable physical health conditions, people quit their jobs. After all, if their body is not allowing, how would they perform any activity at all? So this is yet again a common reason why people leave a job.

Pro Tip: Health issues are very relevant and must be put across simply and straightforwardly. Be it your previous employer or your current one, always express the pain points. Apart from that, please ensure that you join the new company only when you have recovered completely. So that it doesn’t hamper your performance and repeat in the new work.”

Besides, keep your health reports intact. As sometimes it is required to be produced confidentially.

4. Mental Health Issues

When hidden health issues surface, it becomes even hard to express that you want to leave a job. The thing about mental health issues is that they are subtle and not evident. You feel trapped and empty inside.

If that goes unaddressed, then it translates into frustration, anxiety, irritable behaviour and whatnot. Therefore, it is important to examine yourself. If at all you have a prolonged mental health problem, then kindly treat it first and then work.

You don’t realize but your presence impacts not only you but your colleagues too. As a collective organization, mental well being is essential lest it will reflect on the unattended work.

Pro Tip: Now unaddressed mental health can lead to prolonged job stress. That, in turn, will result in damaging health issues in physical form. Revealing it to your office may be welcomed by inhibition on your side. However, please understand that it is important to be treated until it’s too late. Therefore, honestly disclose it to your manager, HR or whoever concerned. In this way, you can also leave a window of rejoining if you feel fine after a certain gap. Therefore, never shy away from saying your truth. Rather articulate it rightly.

5. Career Break

It is okay if you are perplexed about your chosen career. Sometimes a career break can clear your head in numerous ways. As the result, you can start afresh on a positive note. So even if you join back the same job or start something new of your own, it will be out of fulfilment and not half-heartedness. It is okay if you want to pause, unlike the rest. A Career break decision yet again comes with a lot of hesitation. However, please understand that your path will never be like others. This is assured that it will not be a stagnated journey but rather a moving one. The one where you run, walk, slow down and even pause.

Pro Tip: While presenting it to the recruiter or your current employer present it straight. Tell them about how you would like to explore your skills that can benefit them too in the long run (if you happen to rejoin).”

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6. Higher Studies

Often, professionals plan to move for higher studies after gaining intermediate experience or so. In the pursuit to upskill themselves, they, therefore decide to resign from the current job.

Pro Tip: This is a straightforward reason. You can share with your current employer the name of the course and about your admission to the masters/any level program. Also, always remember to acknowledge them for allowing you to kickstart your professional journey and providing you with a hands-on experience.”

7. Company’s Reestablishment

There are many times when a company undergoes reestablishment in terms of structure, location and more. Many times they introduce new brands and improvise on new strategies.

Sometimes it may not suit an employee. Therefore, it becomes probable that they might leave the job.

Pro Tip: In such situations please employ calm and diplomacy to share the message in the right way. Nitpicking on the company’s changes may not appear well. After all, they are doing so for a larger goal and not an individual’s aim. So, then you can tell how the reestablishment may not come well with you. You can tell so by adding how you are looking for other opportunities and career path.

8. Uncomfortable Adjustments

There are times when a person joins a new company and is unable to adjust to the processes in general. There may be friction between colleagues in general. Henceforth, they might find it uncomfortable to adjust to that environment. Henceforth, if that continues in a longer run, the person eventually resigns.

However, in such cases, it is imperative to convey the message in such a way that it comes across as professional and not personal.

Also, it may not always be about people in general. Often, employees are simply not accustomed to a certain environment and therefore cannot contribute to the company.

Hence, they eventually resign.

Pro Tip: In such cases, have a word with the HR first. If the situation becomes too uncomfortable, then you can briefly describe how this is hampering your work. However, remember, that with the new employer, try not to use any negative words. Instead, express your work ethic expectation and how you firmly stand by it.”

9. Personal Endeavour

The professional journey is a dynamic one. After honing a certain amount of experience and skills, people move to pursue their calling. Therefore, this is yet again a common reason for leaving a job. In the search to experiment and try new things, they take some time off and see how well it may work out.

Pro Tip: You can tell about how you would like to undertake your sole initiative in future. In fact, you can also explain how your services may benefit the company and you too can undertake a few responsibilities as a solopreneur for them(only if your services align with the same and all you are doing is branching out into individual venture). Otherwise, you can simply elucidate your desire for your professional journey and pay gratitude to your current employer for offering you an enriching hands-on experience.” 

10. Onerous Commute leading to Burnout

Sometimes, the office commutation becomes a tedious job. Though, many professionals choose to relocate. However, that is not an option for some of them. Therefore, when the travel is stretched beyond the limit, it eventually leads to extreme burnouts. This in turn hampers one’s performance as well.

Therefore it ultimately becomes a situation to leave as in making the ends meet, the person loses himself or herself.

Pro Tip: If you have developed any physical problem, then you address that right away. Apart from that, you can share how you cannot relocate. At the same time how the tedious routes take a toll on your health which in turn amounts to unfocused work .” 

3 Things to Ensure while presenting the reason for leaving a job

1. Stay Honest,

2. Keep it simple and brief, and

3. Talk to the reporting authority in person.

What you must avoid while sharing the reason for leaving a job?

You have seen the best reasons for leaving a job above. These are valid and apt situations which require you to take a call lest your work or the company would suffer in terms of low productivity, irritability extending to others and a lot more. Thus, better they are addressed.

However, avoid sharing a frivolous approach as it may hurt your professional impression in the long run. Here are few cases when a person loses his/her control and comes with casual reasons for resignation:-

i. By telling that you hate the job,
ii. By nitpicking on a person without his/her knowledge. Yes, there may be differences. However, always choose to face it upfront maintaining transparency,
iii. Saying that you are bored or the work is worthless etcetera.

Always remember, your job is a responsibility. Yes, you may struggle to find the right profession. However, that doesn’t imply that you have got a permit to casually leave it. Always present the reason for leaving a job in the most professional and well-informed way.


Though, resignation may appear a rough decision in the face. However, sometimes it is the best a person can do. See, employees and employers are like the wheels of an organization. If any of that is  “rusted”, then the vehicle will hardly move.

Also, a resignation is always not a sign of discord. After reading the above ten reason, we hope, you now know that there is numerous reason for leaving a job. Sometimes, it doesn’t have to do an inch with the employer or the employee.

It is just a matter of how comfortable a person with the work. Thus, leaving a job on a cordial note is possible. In fact, that is a sign of a long-lasting professional relationship.

Now that you know how to leave a job. Then do consider the scenarios and tips mentioned here before taking your next move in doing the same.

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